Don’t Make Your Characters Do the Impossible

Don’t Make Your Characters Do the Impossible

I could enjoy the book I’m reading more if the characters would stop being contortionists. Every time they do the impossible, they pull me out of the story. This happened so often that I turned to see who published the book. I was surprised. It was a small but...
What a Writer Can Learn From Reading Book Reviews

What a Writer Can Learn From Reading Book Reviews

On the premise we can learn about an author’s audience from reading book reviews, I studied reviews for a Christian contemporary romance I had read. I became more intrigued by the relationship between reviewers’ issues and their star-ratings than the author’s...

Allow Characters to Feel Their Feelings

We authors have a few tricks at our disposal to tell characters’ feelings. These techniques are fast and easy. They get the job done … or do they? The question is what job gets done and for whom? Job done for author. The author can approach his deadline quicker, keep...
Reel in Readers With a Devastating Choice

Reel in Readers With a Devastating Choice

A Writer’s Digest article* suggested a devastating choice will hook readers and show much about your character. This intrigued me. Although the writer discussed how to develop the story before and after the choice, I approached the idea from a different angle. How...

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