3 Steps to Write Story Setting into the Action

3 Steps to Write Story Setting into the Action

image by Find-cat “I finished reading Tailor Your Fiction Manuscript in 30 Days. I have AND will highly recommend it to anyone who dabbles in fiction. It’s one of the best “how to” books I’ve ever read.” Marsha Hubler, Director Montrose Christian...
Does Your Scene’s Pace Match Its Mood?

Does Your Scene’s Pace Match Its Mood?

Tailor Your Fiction Manuscript in 30 Days is now available. See details below. Possible Scene Moods sorrowfullazy (might come as a break after a particularly harsh scene)fearfulhumorous (could be part of a light genre or provide a rest after a scary scene)suspenseful...
12 Solid Ways to Make Your Writing More Vivid

12 Solid Ways to Make Your Writing More Vivid

“Simplicity is a virtue in writing, true; but never the primary virtue. … Vividness is.” —Dwight V. SwainI created the following paragraph, ignoring Dwight V. Swain’s recommendations for vivid writing in his book, Techniques of the Selling Writer.Her car had...

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