The Essential Announcement Element to Lure Readers to What You Write

by | Blogging | 10 comments

“The danger of the Web is that you can go from idea to public announcement in under ten minutes.” —Seth Godin


by pedrojperez

by pedrojperez

We do much work to write an interesting blog post, article, or book. Yet our announcements to promote our work fail to draw people to it. We ignore the one thing that works. I say ignore, because experts are constantly encouraging us—begging us—to use this important bit of wisdom. 

Here are examples to show you what I mean.

What Many of My Incoming Emails Look Like

Set 1:

Subject: Jane Doe Is My Guest Today

First Line 1: Come by and see what Jane has to say.

First Line 2: Stop by and hear about her writing journey.

First Line 3: If you have time, come by and encourage her.

First Line 4: You don’t want to miss what she says about her writing journey.

In Set 1, even though the senders address the readers, using “you,” they don’t tell them anything. We need to find at least one thing in our content our audience will want to know. And lure them with that tidbit.

by Jusben

by Jusben

This is what experts keep telling us:


To lure people to read your words, tell them what’s in it for them. Click to tweet.


Might This Email Work Better?

Subject: How You Can Win Over Unsupportive Family

First Line: Author Jane Doe gives several successful ways she won over her unsupportive husband and children.

by Prawny

by Prawny

Set 2:

Subject: I’m on Jane Doe’s Blog Today

First Line 1: I talk about my characters.

First Line 2: I’d love to hear your thoughts on my post.

First Line 3: Novel Baby is available; hop by and meet my characters.

First Line 4: See what I went through last month with my characters.

In Set 2, notice the words “I” and “my”? Most people probably don’t care about us, the blog we’re on, or that another book is out. We must find something in our content that will make readers want to go to Jane’s blog.


Give people a reason to care about your spot on someone’s blog. Click to tweet.

Might These Emails Work Better?

Subject: Romance Readers: 3 Reasons Experts Say You Must Read Novel Baby

First Line: In Blogging Books today, you’ll learn why readers, such as you, endorsers, and reviewers, loved the characters in Novel Baby.


Subject: How to Rebuild Your Life After Losing Your Job

First Line: From character Drew Peters’ journey in Starting Over, Blogging Books lists 3 pitfalls and 4 successful efforts to handle the loss of you job.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Set 3:

Subject: Revamped Blog

First Line 1: Friends, I’ve revamped my blog. Check it out.

First Line 2: Fellow authors, I’ve got a new look! Tell me what you think.

In Set 3, when we write requests like this, we give people no reason to stop what they’re doing and go to one of millions of blogs to see our new look.

So, except for family members, this option may work better:


Instead of invitations to your new blog, write a great post & draw people to it. Click to tweet.

Which types of promotion emails do you seldom read?

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  1. Marcia A. Lahti

    Subject lines with a “How to” or a list, XXX steps to . . . or XXX reasons to . . . work for me, because right away the subject offers something for me. Questions are effective too. Unsupportive Family? Lost a job? The first two words might be key too as most of the subject line is cut off.

  2. Zoe M. McCarthy

    Good suggestion, Marcia, about getting the keywords early in the title.

  3. Derinda Babcock

    Thanks for the helpful information, Zoe.

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      Thank you, Derinda. I’m glad to know the info is helpful.

  4. Erin Unger

    Great post, Zoe.

  5. Ada Brownell (@AdaBrownell)

    It’s the same principle we’ve been taught whether writing news, fiction, or non-fiction. Start with a hook. Great reminder to apply to our marketing.

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      So true, Ada. We hear the hook suggestion a lot. It’s work sometimes to find a good one, but worth it. I’m still learning.

  6. Jane Foard Thompson

    That is great info, but it takes a lot more work!

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      Yes, it does Jane. I change my titles on my blog at least three times before I post.

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