Diary of a Book Marketing Plan-Entry 7-Goodreads Ad & More

by | Marketing Books, Writing

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This is the seventh in the series in which I share tasks and progress on my book-marketing plan for my second book. Gift of the Magpie came out August 15, but all my diary posts share my activities from two weeks in the past.

Among other activities, my prior posts covered my setup, recruiting influencers, guest posting, a book launch party, a newsletter, blog interviews, Facebook parties, and Ask David Tweets.

Tasks Performed This Past Week


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This week, my second book released and I’ve announced it several ways, some of which are below.  It’s hard to know yet how effective my announcements are, especially when for the past three days, Amazon’s Author Central experienced a delay in updating my Author Rank.


I published the newsletter I wrote on MailChimp three weeks ago.

Ask David Tweets

I’m publishing two tweets a night, rotating pairs of six popular hashtags with the tagline: “Ten years ago, Camden crushed her heart. Guess who just moved in across the street.”

I added the e-book price reduction to my scheduled tweets for the duration of Amazon’s sale.

image by Maialisa

Email List

I sent 280 emails using the addresses I’ve collected since promoting my first book. They’re from friends, family, and people who provided their addresses at signings, workshops, and fairs.

I kept the announcement simple.

Ÿ• For people’s privacy, I sent emails under “Undisclosed recipients” and blind copies.

Ÿ• Email subject: Gift of the Magpie Book Release

Ÿ• Attachment: Large Book Cover

Ÿ• Content: Back cover blurb

Ÿ• Call to action: “Order your copy today by clicking on the Amazon button below!”

Ÿ• Amazon button: links to Gift of the Magpie’s Amazon purchase page.


I emailed my influencers the information they need. I’ve started to see their honest, voluntary reviews on Amazon, my publisher’s site, and Goodreads. Those active on Facebook and Twitter began posting on their feeds and liking and sharing my announcements.

I asked them to announce Amazon’s sale on Gift of the Magpie for $0.99.

My agent announced the release to her client base.

Guest Blogs

Three of my guest blog posts published this week. Hosts shared my cover, bio, blurb, and purchase link.

Online Promotion

Facebook Party

I’ll host a half-hour slot next week on a multiple-author Facebook party. I sent invitations through Goodreads.

Program for Possible Reviews

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I purchased Authors Cross Promotion’s Elite option. They post books to their review/readers. These readers can ask me for a free e-book. I can develop a relationship with them, and hopefully, they’ll write reviews on Amazon.

During Amazon’s $0.99 sale of my Kindle version, I bought several gift codes to use with Authors Cross Promotion.

Facebook Boost 

I boosted another Facebook post, using the audiences of the limited authors available in my genre.

Goodreads Ad

Goodreads accesses readers. It allows me to target the exact authors who write books similar to mine. My ad runs until my budget runs out. My budget is reduced every time a reader clicks on my link. They email a daily report of views, clicks, and amount spent.

Book Marketing Diary – Entry 7: Goodreads Ads & other actual promotion activities. Click to tweet.

Authors, what has your experience been with Goodreads ads?

Amazon Link

Amanda Larrowe’s lack of trust sabotages her relationships. The English teacher and award-winning author of middle-grade adventure books for boys has shut off communication with friends and family to meet her January 2 book deadline. Now, in the deepest snow accumulation Richmond, Virginia has experienced in years, Camden Lancaster moves in across the street. After ten years, her heart still smarts from the humiliating aftermath of their perfect high school Valentine’s Day date. He may have transformed into a handsome, amiable man, but his likeability doesn’t instill trust in Amanda’s heart. When Cam doesn’t recognize her on their first two encounters, she thinks it’s safe to be his fair-weather neighbor. Boy is she wrong.

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