Diary of a Book Marketing Plan-Entry 6-Ask David Tweets & More

by | Marketing Books, Writing | 2 comments

image by geralt

This is the sixth entry in the series in which I share the tasks and progress on my book-marketing experience for my second book. Gift of the Magpie came out August 15, but this and all my diary posts share my activities from two weeks in the past.

Among other activities, my prior posts covered my setup, recruiting influencers, guest posting, a book launch party, a newsletter, blog interviews, and Facebook parties.

Tasks Performed This Past Week


Book Launch Party

As I related in last week’s post, I had to reschedule the party. All rescheduling tasks have been performed, and 120 postcard invitations are ready to mail.


I’ve received emails from 40% of my influencers, saying they’ve read my book. Their encouraging feedback was what I needed as the release day approaches next week.

Some said they were glad to help me because they’ll be promoting a first book soon. They anticipated learning from my experience. I hope it helps them.

image by Alexas_Fotos

I drafted the email I’ll send to my influencers the day before my book releases, which

provides them with my book cover, blurb, book purchase and Goodreads links, and endorsements.

repeats the promotion options I listed in my welcome email, but this time I supplied the information and links they’ll need, e.g. pre-written tweets and Facebook messages. I stepped them through how to leave reviews on bookstore and Goodreads sites.

reorders the tasks, starting with the ones I thought would have the most impact. For me, honest reviews is number one.

Tip: Send a test email to someone who’s not an online expert. See if the cover and links come through as expected. Your test person can suggest how to make tasks easier for your influencers.

Online Promotion


Ask David Tweets

I purchased two sets of Ask David links and plan to send two tweets per night for a month.

image by OpenClipart-Vectors

For $10, you can purchase 30 links from Ask David with the capability to announce your book to their 57,500 followers. Once you buy the links:

  1. click on one, and a form pops up
  2. Follow the directions

you are given several options including a request that your cover be added to your tweet and a link to be added (I will use my purchase link)

they tell you how long your tweet message can be

they have a tweet scheduling option.

Tip: Your tweet should include a book hook and up to two hashtags. Make sure your hashtags are popular for your type of readers. For example, #romance.

Tip: It seems readers look for books in the evening.

Tip: When you send more than one tweet per day, Ask David recommends you attach a unique photo (book cover) once. Twitter frowns upon feeds flooded with the same photo.

Guest Blogs

I wrote and sent the eighth of the nine guest posts I scheduled. Next week, some will go live. I’ve noted the go-live dates on my Excel worksheet and calendar. I’ll promote my hosts’ blog and respond to comments on my go-live dates. Hosts appreciate guests being active on their blogs.

Book Marketing Diary – Entry 6: Ask David Tweets & other actual promotion activities. Click to tweet.

How successful have you found Tweeting for promoting books?

Amazon Link

Amanda Larrowe’s lack of trust sabotages her relationships. The English teacher and award-winning author of middle-grade adventure books for boys has shut off communication with friends and family to meet her January 2 book deadline. Now, in the deepest snow accumulation Richmond, Virginia has experienced in years, Camden Lancaster moves in across the street. After ten years, her heart still smarts from the humiliating aftermath of their perfect high school Valentine’s Day date. He may have transformed into a handsome, amiable man, but his likeability doesn’t instill trust in Amanda’s heart. When Cam doesn’t recognize her on their first two encounters, she thinks it’s safe to be his fair-weather neighbor. Boy is she wrong.

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  1. Roger E. Bruner

    For the image in my Ask David tweets, I create a Canva graphic that includes book cover, a description of the book, and info about availability. The “social media” size is perfect– 800 by 800 pixels. Canva is free, and once you learn how to use it, it’s great.

    Here’s an Ask David graphic I used a while back: RogerBruner.com/images2/FoundPromotion.jpg

    While I can’t quantify my sales results from using Ask David, at that price I’m willing to keep taking a chance. My marketing budget is almost non-existent. *sigh*

  2. Zoe M. McCarthy

    Thanks for the information, Roger. Ask David Tweets are reasonable. I need a refresher on how to make memes on Canva. I think the ACFW VA conference is going to have a workshop.

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