Diary of a Book Marketing Plan–Entry 4-Newsletter & More

by | Marketing Books, Writing


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This is the fourth entry in the series in which I share the tasks and progress on my book-marketing experience for my second book. Gift of the Magpie came out August 15, but this and all my diary posts share my activities from two weeks in the past.

My last three posts, among other activities, talked about my setup, recruiting influencers, guest posting, and a book launch party.

Sometimes Things Don’t Go as Planned

I wrote and sent a guest post early for a blog. The host had double-booked the spot by accident and had to go with the other post because it was part of a series. This’s why I try to send guest posts early and ask for confirmations of receipt. Knowing the situation early, I was able to use the post for a blog I’m a regular on.

I’m still waiting on the final proof from the publisher. Of course, I’m a little nervous about being able to order and receive books in time for my book launch party.

Tasks Performed This Past Week


I wrote and formatted the content for my newsletter to publish on my book’s release date. In my previous newsletter, I announced signing three book contracts in quick succession and told a little about each contracted book. For my newsletter going out on my book’s release date, I’m focusing on that book, presenting:

  • the book cover,
  • the back-cover blurb,
  • what people are saying about my book,
  • a story about how I used an event from my childhood in the book, and
  • upcoming events I’m involved in that subscribers might enjoy.

Tip: See my January blog post, “50 Ideas for Author Newsletter Content.


image by mohamed1982eg

Guest Interviews

I provided—early—my responses to questions for a blog interview.

Tip: The work you put into responses to interview questions provides content for talks you’ll book at libraries, bookstores, and other speaking events. Hosts ask questions they think will interest their subscribers. Your audiences probably have similar questions. I combine my answers from a few blog interviews and quickly rewrite them into a hopefully interesting talk.


I wrote several tweets and Facebook announcement blurbs that my influencers can easily post to their Twitter and Facebook feeds.

Tip: In the brief tweets, I include a book quote, two good readers’ hashtags, and the shortened buy link. I use the Hootsuite’s “Add a link…” box, which shortens my link and puts it in my tweet. If I have room, I include the title.

Book Launch Party

I’ve adhered stamps and address labels to the 120 postcard invitations.

Two 5-minute talks are written. I’ll give them at the party just before two of the three giveaway drawings.

I’ve started packaging the prizes to look pretty for the drawings.

Online Promotion

My Goodreads author page: I’ve added my book.

Facebook author page: I shared my book cover with my followers and boosted it for $3.

Keeping Me Straight

I updated my Excel Marketing spreadsheet noting what I’ve done and what I still need to do. Completed items are in blue; still to do are in red.

Book Marketing Diary – Entry 4: newsletter & other actual promotion activities. Click to tweet.

How have you used the boost option on Facebook?

Amazon Link

Amanda Larrowe’s lack of trust sabotages her relationships. The English teacher and award-winning author of middle-grade adventure books for boys has shut off communication with friends and family to meet her January 2 book deadline. Now, in the deepest snow accumulation Richmond, Virginia has experienced in years, Camden Lancaster moves in across the street. After ten years, her heart still smarts from the humiliating aftermath of their perfect high school Valentine’s Day date. He may have transformed into a handsome, amiable man, but his likeability doesn’t instill trust in Amanda’s heart. When Cam doesn’t recognize her on their first two encounters, she thinks it’s safe to be his fair-weather neighbor. Boy is she wrong.

Newsletter Signup

Please subscribe to my newsletter, Zoe’s Zigzags, and receive a free short story.”

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