50 Ideas for Author Newsletter Content

by | Writing

image by Maialisa

image by Maialisa

Enlist Outside Help

1.  Interview an author in your genre.

2.  Post readers’ contributions (reviews, a book-related how-to, or their takeaway from yours or other authors’ books).

Employ By-Products

3.  Share handouts from your speaking engagements.

4.  Include book research and photos.

image by Unsplash

image by Unsplash

Provide Your Perspective

5.  Discuss hobbies, places, or events you enjoy.

6.  Share helps that have made your life easier.

7.  Recount your experiences at book events.

8.  Give your thoughts about the writing industry.

9.  Introduce your team; provide short bios on your agent, editor, etc.

Help Subscribers Get to Know You

10.  Write fun facts about your writing process.

11.  Relate lessons you’ve learned from writing a book.

12.  Recount personal experiences that appeared in a book in some form.

13.  Give subscribers a slice of your life as a writer.

14.  Include a photo of your writing space.

15.  Share writing milestones: signing an agent, book contracts, book releases, book awards.

16.  Share life milestones: marriage, new baby, educational degrees (best to post only milestones for personal information).

17.  Add a specialty corner: writing tips, book-related recipes, historical facts, gardening tips—anything you have expertise in.

image by Comfreak

image by Comfreak

Pique Interest in Your Books

18.  Reveal a book cover design.

19.  Share the story behind the novel’s story.

20.  Tell what sparked book locations, plots, or characters.

21.  Report writing progress on novels.

22.  Provide a sample chapter or excerpts.

23.  Print a deleted scene.

24.  Note outside news or events related to topics in your book.

25.  Pass on endorsements, a quote, or a discussion about your book.

26.  Discuss social themes associated with your book.

27.  Display book trailers.

Highlight Your Characters

28.  Impart supplemental information about your characters.

29.  Add character photos.

30.  Hold character interviews—discuss issues your character faced.

31.  Enlist a character to host the newsletter post.

32.  Reveal the expanded backstory you used to develop a character.

image by geralt

image by geralt

Dazzle Subscribers

33.  Include images, artwork, and personal photos.

34.  Offer interesting quotes.

35.  Drop clues throughout the issue that’ll solve a puzzle.

Keep Subscribers Returning

36.  Offer installments of short stories or multiple aspects on the same subject.

37.  Involve subscribers in surveys.

Invite Subscribers to Your Events and Specials

38.  Announce book signings, speaking engagements, and other events with detailed attendance information.

39.  Direct subscribers to articles you’ve recently published.

40.  Alert subscribers to promotions, special pricing on your books, and when pre-ordering is available.

image by zimnijkot0

image by zimnijkot0

Become a Fellow Reader

41.  Feature book reviews of others’ books.

42.  Tell what you’re currently reading.

43.  List your favorite books.

44.  Ask what subscribers are reading.

45.  Request and publish subscribers’ nominations of the best book in your genre.


Give away Freebies

46.  Offer giveaways—yours or others’ books in your genre, gift cards, or book-related goodies.

47.  Create a contest.

Include Helps and Links

48.  Add a table of contents (lengthy newsletters).

49.  Insert links to blog, website, Amazon and Goodreads author pages, and reviews.

50.  Display social media links.

Try these 50 suggestions for author newsletter content. Click to tweet.

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