Diary of a Book Marketing Plan Entry 3

by | Marketing Books, Writing

image by jfcby

This is the third entry in the series in which I share the tasks and progress on my book-marketing plan for my second book coming out soon. My last two posts among other activities talked about my setup and recruiting influencers.

Tasks Performed This Past Week


 Local Book Launch Party

I met with my two helpers. We discussed food, decorations, punch servers, and party setup. I’d already reserved the place and arranged for live background music.

Tip: Walmart can put an exact frosting replica of the book cover on a cake from a photo. This one was for my first book with congratulations added in pink.


I ordered Postcards sporting my cover and two endorsements. I designed a label for the invitation content. I’ll affix the labels to postcards. My address labels are also ready to be printed soon. I’m inviting 120 families.

My hero and heroine drink hot chocolate and dispute the best way to make the winter beverage. So, I ordered Pfaltzgraff mugs (on sale) and am packaging them in pairs for drawings and for the final giveaway – a basket of book-related goodies.

Good quality, coordinated plates, cups, and napkins were available at a $1-$5 discount store.


image by geralt


Sixteen influencers are ready to get the word out about my book.

I have created several tweets for my influencers to use in announcing my book. I will write several more for them and for professional online promoters. I include my tagline or short book quotes and popular hashtags.

I drafted my email announcement content. My influencers can use it if they wish.

Guest Blogs & Promotion Sites

I’m still drafting and sending out guest posts, spotlights, and interviews early. I sent hosts four of the nine posts scheduled. Most appreciate getting the content early.

Tip: I belong to American Christian Fiction Writers, and subscribe to their email loop. Several requests appear daily for guests to fill spots on members’ blogs. Join writers’ email loops, look out for offers from popular blogs, and sign up for the spots you can handle.

Tip: Always ask hosts to confirm they’ve received your guest post content. This helps them acknowledge that you’ve sent the information early and helps you know that it didn’t go to their spam folder.

I entered my title information on Fiction Finder, a listing of authors and titles.

Online Promotions

I researched online promotion sites: Author Cross Promotion; Product Elf; and Ask David.

I’ve begun adding my new book information and updating pages on my website. I contacted my website designer for the work I can’t do.

I added my new book information to my Amazon author page.

Keeping Me Straight

I updated my Excel Marketing spreadsheet noting what I’ve done and need to do.

image by deeptuts

Tip: I also recorded money I’ve spent on marketing. This is invaluable when it comes to tax time.


Diary of a book marketing plan–Entry 3: launch party & other actual promotion activities. Click to tweet.

Published authors please share with us. Can you tell us a creative idea that you used for your launch party?

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