A Lively Indoor Winter Activity for Children

by | Activities | 4 comments

“I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all people. Today … a Savior has been born to you … the Messiah, the Lord.” —Luke 2:10-11 NIV

image by benuithamann

image by benuithamann

Winter is upon us. Here’s my Christmas gift to you who have children, grandchildren, or teach preschoolers. In winter, children must often stay inside when it’s too cold to play outside. Here’s an activity to allow children to use their large muscles and expend their energy so they can sit awhile.

A Friendly Indoor Snowball Fight

Materials needed:

  • Inexpensive white panty hose or tights
  • Polyester fiberfill
  • White thread
  • Needle
Aim, ready, fire, laugh.

Aim, ready, fire, laugh.

Directions to make snowballs:

  1. Cut each leg of panty hose into 4-5-inch sections.
  2. Sew  one end of each section closed by hand or on a sewing machine. Don’t worry about neat stitches.
  3. Pack sections with polyester fiberfill to make balls.
  4. Sew open ends closed.
  5. Make about 25 “snowballs” for a good, but safe, battle.

Directions for play:

  1. Find a safe indoor area. If you don’t have a playroom or large area free of fragile or dangerous items, back your car(s) out of the garage. We use a large, open foyer.
  2. Place a rope, wrapping paper rolls, or yardsticks end to end to separate the space for a safer fight.
  3. Divide up children (and adults) and “snowballs” so you’ll have even, armed teams on each side of the “line.”
  4. Explain the rule that team members must not cross the line.
  5. Have an adult give the signal, “Fire away!” and start a mental or real timer for a minute of battle.
  6. Have an adult call, “Cease fire!” at the end of a minute.
  7. Declare the side with the least “snowballs” the winners.
  8. Play for ten to fifteen.

Alternate play: No sides, no teams, no rules, except banning physical contact.

I’ve used my “snowballs” for large-muscle play for years with preschoolers at home, in Sunday school, and at Bible Study Fellowship. No child was ever hurt when bonged in the face with one of these “snowballs.”

Have fun!

An indoor winter activity for children: a “snowball fight!” Click to tweet.


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  1. pamelasthibodeaux

    Wonderful advice. Thanks Zoe….MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      Merry Christmas to you, too, Pam.

  2. Tanya Hanson

    Absolutely adorable! Especially for us who live at beaches with no snow. ❄️. Merry Christmas!

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      We had 3 boys aged 7 and 1 aged 5 at our pre-Christmas celebration, and they loved firing these snowballs at each other. I was surprised they kept at it for a half hour.

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