9 Writing Tips from Author Pamela S. Thibodeaux

by | Writing | 23 comments

My guest today is Pamela S. Thibodeaux. She will share her writing advice with us. More about her new book, Love in Season, follows her post.

Pam’s Tips

1. Read. Read extensively in your genre and out. Take note of phrases and descriptions that capture your imagination or make your heart sing and mind race. I’ve yet to meet a writer who isn’t an avid reader!

2. Write. Doesn’t matter if it’s daily, weekly, or 2-3 days a month, just make time to write consistently. Don’t worry if it’s drivel to begin with just write. Whether you’re at a desk, the kitchen table, the library, or a coffee shop, get in the habit of sitting in your writing space and putting words on paper (or computer, notebook, or iPad). Forget the rules and write the book you want to read! You can always check for publisher guidelines and edit/revise your project to fit, but those first drafts can be whatever you want them to be!

image by Pettycon

3. Edit. Most projects need a minimum of 3 edits. Initial where you check for plot holes and pacing. Second pass where you layer in descriptions, the five senses, etc. Third round where you check for grammar, punctuation, etc. Make sure you take at least two weeks to a month between edits! If you don’t, chances are you’ll miss mistakes that could cost you a contract or precious time in edits after the contract. While you’re letting this project cool, start another! Keep several projects in the works at all times so you don’t worry this one to death.

4. Query/Submit. At some point you’ve got to turn that baby loose. Even if your initial submission is to a critique partner or group, don’t let fear stop you from getting the feedback necessary to help you grow as a writer and produce the best work you can. Again, keep writing while you wait to hear back from your submission.

5. Revise, Re-submit, Resell. This applies mostly to articles and essays but sometimes you can even revise/rewrite a story and sell it elsewhere. Make sure you abide by any current or previous contract limitations. If someone doesn’t normally take reprints, be sure to let them know the extent of changes you’ve made that add a whole new twist to the version you’re querying about or submitting to them.

6. Promote. Okay you’ve sold a book or two or a dozen articles. There’ll be no (or very few) sales, reviews, or new opportunities, if you don’t let people know! Set up a website, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon Author Page. Spend a few hours a week building your fan base and readership. When you do a book signing or speaking engagement, ask for the name and address (email too) of everyone who buys a book! This is your readership. Ask to add them to your mailing/newsletter list. Don’t bombard them but keep in touch on a regular basis, whether that is monthly, quarterly or even annually.

7. Keep good records. Writing is a business and even unpublished authors can claim business expenses such as office supplies, ink, business cards, etc. Check with a CPA or tax preparer and don’t miss out on these valuable deductions, especially when you begin to make money!

8. Take Care of Yourself. Sometimes life throws us a curve ball or hand grenade and we have a hard time focusing on writing. Don’t worry about your career at this point. Take the time you need to recover and/or regroup and start over. Real writers never quit. We may take an extended leave of absence but at some point, we always return to our passion.

9. Don’t Quit! Writing is a gift and a talent given to you by God. Don’t hide your gift or bury your talent.

What is your biggest challenge in writing?

PBG print ~ PBG ebook ~ Kindle

Anytime is the perfect time for love. 

In this anthology, author Pamela S Thibodeaux brings together eight of her most beloved romance stories—one for each season plus four holidays that revolve around love and family. 

Includes two brand new stories!

I’ve always admired the covers Pelican Book Group creates for their titles and when I first received the cover for Love in Season, I thought – how sweet, but a closer look revealed a whole lot more than a couple on a bench in front of a lovely tree. 

If you took a passing glance, look again….

What do you see?

Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter are all depicted within the leaves and branches of this tree!

Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!”™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.”


Website address: http://www.pamelathibodeaux.com   

Blog: http://pamswildroseblog.blogspot.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pamelasthibodeauxauthor

Twitter: http://twitter.com/psthib @psthib

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pamelasthibodea/

Amazon Author Page: http://amzn.to/1jUVcdU

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamelasthibodeauxauthor/

GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1268453.Pamela_S_Thibodeaux

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  1. Beth Ann Ziarnik

    Love these nine helpful hints. Thank you, Zoe and Pamela, for making them available. My biggest challenge in writing is attempting to work on more than one novel at a time. I’ve never done that. I guess it’s time to give it a try.

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      Beth, working on multiple books is a challenge, and marketing multiple books is even worse for me. I get confused which book is in which promotion. Working on my nonfiction and a romance wasn’t as difficult. I didn’t get characters’ names confused.

    • Pamela Thibodeaux

      I only worked on two novels at once, Beth. Book 2 and 4 of my Tempered series started out at the same time. Book 4 took off and book 2 ended up being the last written. Strange how that happened LOL!

      Good luck and God’s blessings and THANKS for stopping by!

  2. Pamela S Thibodeaux

    Thank you SO much Zoe for hosting me today. I hope these writing tips will be useful for all who read your blog.

    Good luck and God’s blessings

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      I’m glad to host you, Pam.

  3. Carol James

    Great advice, Pam. I particularly liked the one about making 3 passes through the final draft. I make many more passes than that, but the idea of being so intentional about the purpose of each one is great!

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      Carol, as I’ve learned the hard way, a pass for typos with my computer guy reading the book to me as I follow along is a valuable one.

      • Carol James

        Excellent suggestion, Zoe. Love that!

    • PamT

      Thanks Carol!

      It takes a minimum of 3 passes and focusing your purpose each time helps develop the story.

      Thanks for stopping by!
      Good luck and God’s blessings

  4. Beth Ann Ziarnik

    Am I missing something here, Zoe? Is your “computer guy” a real person? Or a voice from your computer reading your manuscript? If the latter, how does that work?

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      Beth, my computer reads to me. Goggle: How do I get my computer to read text to me Mac? Or Microsoft, depending on your computer. It will give you the steps. Enjoy.

      • Pamela Thibodeaux

        I’ll have to try this too!
        Thanks Zoe.

  5. Alina K. Field

    Good advice, Pam! My biggest challenge in writing is figuring out when my inner critic is wrong and when she’s correct!

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      Alina, you made me smile. I’ve been there. That’s what’s so valuable about good critique partners, Beta readers, and hiring an editor.

  6. Pamela Thibodeaux

    I hear you, Alina! I think that’s true for all authors and I agree with Zoe on having an editor and/or critique partners.

    Thanks for stopping by
    Good luck and God’s blessings

  7. Jacqueline Seewald


    Excellent advice! We all need these helpful reminders. Revision is crucial.

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      Jacqueline, it seems no matter how many people look at a book, a typo or misspelling creeps in. I guess that keeps us humble. :0)

    • Pamela Thibodeaux

      Thanks so much Jacqueline.
      I agree and I agree with Zoe, no matter how much we edit and revise, a typo can sneak through LOL

      THANKS for stopping by
      Good luck and God’s blessings

  8. Kara O'Neal

    Number 8….that one is hard to do! Thank you for sharing!

    • Zoe M. McCarthy

      I agree, Kara. Pam was wise to include that one. I keep telling my husband I want to take a month off. Ha! We did go to the Dominican Republic last year. I actually read 3 books!

    • Pamela Thibodeaux

      Yes, it’s very important to take care of yourself, especially when something tragic and/or unforseen happens.

      I try to take time, like now when on vacation to be online less, read more. I’ve read 4 books so far LOL!

      Thanks Kara for stopping by.
      Good luck and God’s blessings

  9. Diane Burton

    Great tips, Pam. #1 & #8, especially. Best wishes.

    • Pamela Thibodeaux

      Hey Diane!

      So glad these tips resonated with so many wonderful author friends!

      I haven’t met an author yet who isn’t also an avid reader and we ALL need to take time out/away to take care of ourselves!

      Thanks for stopping by!
      Good luck and God’s blessings

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